My girlfriend is, as you will well know if you are a keen reader of my words (and why wouldn’t you be?) is on holiday in Magaluf with two of her girlfriends from university. It has not gone well. I was a little bit concerned when she mentioned the holiday, even more so when she mentioned who she was going with. Not that they aren’t nice girls, but they are… questionable morally and, I think, pretty poor influences. Try telling your girlfriend that before she realises it herself, though.
So the week kicks off without a hitch; drinks, parties and all sorts of shenanigans. Then the friction happens, mere days into the holiday. Now I have been abroad with my squad numerous times and the friction levels are pretty damn low, if they exist at all. But since we’re lads we just handle situations if they occur. These girls, though? They whine and complain and get under each other’s skin. What a running commentary it’s been.